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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
Maria is back with an excellent article featuring real-world examples and a tutorial on implementing valuable conversion-friendly changes to your product pages.
She first looks at how brands such as Philips, Boohoo, West Elm, and Pottery Barn structure their product page layouts.
After, using features included in our own CommerceKit plugin she explains how to boost your own store design by:
- Including videos on your WooCommerce product pages
- Seting up an attributes gallery
- Showcasing variations better using image and color swatches
- Changing the position of your short description section
- Adding a sticky add to cart and wishlist
Learn how to Make Your Own Product Pages Stand Out
If you're a new subscriber to this newsletter or joined us late, I've now linked to all previous issues so you can easily browse ones you may have missed.
There are currently 140 (!) issues, stretching back to August 2019, with the occassional break around Christmas and the New Year.
Explore all past issues of our CommerceGurus Newsletter
As you may be aware, WooCommerce is finally implementing custom tables for various WooCommerce entities (such as orders, products, coupons, etc). These have 3 major benefits:
- Scalability – by having dedicated tables (and therefore dedicated indexes, less busy tables, less read/write ops etc), shops of all sizes can scale easier.
- Simplicity – being independent of WP posts should help in finding where underlying data lives, understand its structure and allow devs to modify core Woo with more finesse.
- Reliability – it should be easier to take and restore targeted backups, implement read/write locks and prevent race conditions.
The call for testing is intended for developers, agencies, and hosting partners only as it will need you to set up a staging environment and database and run custom code.
Learn more about testing WooCommerce's Custom Order Table Migrations
It’s easy to find keywords that can bring lots of traffic to your website. What’s harder is to predict your chances of ranking for them.
To help solve this problem, SEO tools like Ahrefs give keywords a “difficulty” score from 0 to 100.
But the truth is that these scores aren’t foolproof.
This post outline the benefits and shortcomings of the Keyword Difficulty metric, as well as breaks down what other things professional SEOs look at when estimating their chances to rank for a given keyword.
Discover more about Keyword Difficulty
jQuery remains the most popular javascript library, used by a staggering 84% of mobile pages. Our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme dropped jQuery over 2 years, and uses vanilla javascript.
However, core WooCommerce still uses jQuery. There have been several long-standing requests to remove jQuery such as this Github issue, but there unfortunately seems to be little impetus on Woo's side to make this a priority.
Meanwhile the UK Government's web portal GOV.UK has dropped jQuery from their front end and has published insights into the speed benefits which resulted from the change.
You can read more detail within Matt Hobbs' twitter thread.
See why GOV.UK dropped jQuery and the performance boost it gave
We're currently in Porto at WordCamp Europe!
This newsletter is coming from Porto, Portugal this week. We're currently attending the largest WordPress conference outside of the US, WordCamp Europe 2022.
After a 3 year in-person hiatus due to COVID-19, we're delighted to be able to mix again with fellow WordPress enthusiasts.
The conference includes numeous interesting talks in the schedule, all of which are recorded and able to be looked back on at a later date.
Check out WordCamp Europe 2022
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
