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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
In Maria's latest post she takes a closer look at the benefits of encouraging your customers to submit photos of your products.
Brands invest a lot of resources to design and publish visual marketing content on their website and social media pages.
Sharing user-generated content or customer submitted photos helps you easily reach out to your audience and build credibility. Also, you can save on the marketing budget!
See why Visual Marketing is so beneficial
WooCommerce have been launching some much needed updates lately around their admin and reports sections, and the latest refresh concerns their dashboard.
It now includes an inbox, a useful stats overview which incorporates data such as Total Sales, Orders, and Items sold, as well as store management options.
It's due to be included in the 4.3 release on July 7th.
See the new dashboard including a screenshot
On the subject of improvements, I was pleased to see Elementor announce that they will be removing some of their excess HTML wrappers in the upcoming 3.0 release.
A criticism of Elementor is that is produces far too many wrapping divs when you build a section.
There will be 3 inner divs removed:
- elementor-inner
- elementor-row
- elementor-column-wrap
The resultant markup is much cleaner, and will be faster to load with less DOM elements to render for the browser.
See the Elementor 3.0 update
A Better Lemonade Stand has a recent roundup of 50 sites which sell directly to consumers. This is a good way to evaluate any competitors in your niche that you may be unaware of and analyze how they market to customers.
The introduction is a bit long-winded but I liked the sites chosen and the short paragraph of text under each summarizing some of the brand features which stood out.
Take a look at 50 direct to consumer eCommerce stores
Our friend Rodolfo from Business Bloomer has a useful new guide with code snippets on how to create a wholesale store in WooCommerce.
It includes examples of hiding prices for non-logged in users, creating different prices for different types of users, and setting up tax exception classes.
See Business Bloomer's Wholesale Store Guide
Starter Story has a nice interview with Leighton Taylor about starting a web agency focusing on conversion-optimization and the Shopify eCommerce platform.
A strong emphasis on conversions is something we're extremely interested in and this is a good case study for anyone building websites. Perhaps there's an opportunity out there for someone in the WooCommerce space to do something similar.
Read about the $30K/Month agency
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
