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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
I've re-written our Shoptimizer speed tips guide for 2022, if you haven't seen it lately, it's well worth looking at again.
I tested on very underpowered shared hosting to ensure that even on a poorly optimized server you'll still get excellent results.
The process includes the setup and configuration of a number of key plugins and features including:
- Autoptimize
- Breeze
- Flying Scripts
- Asset CleanUp
- Jetpack's Assets and Images CDN (all other features are turned off)
- Typography 2.0
Take a look at the Speed Tips Guide Updated for 2022
the good has published an excellent article about eCommerce Product Category Pages, and the essential elements a high-converting version should contain.
Fundamentally, the role of the category page is to make choosing a product painless and simple.
It’s here that shoppers on a mission can quickly take the next step towards becoming an owner and browsers can decide which section of the store they want to investigate next.
The article also covers some best-in-class examples such as Kohl's, Jimmy Choo, and Nordstrom.
Learn about Effective Product Category Pages
The team has put together a collection of common UX patterns optimized for Core Web Vitals.
This collection includes patterns that are often tricky to implement without hurting perf scores. You can use the code in these examples to help ensure your projects stay on the right track.
It includes carousels, banners, notices, infinite scroll, and video examples with the code used to create them.
Check out some UX Patterns Optimized for Core Web Vitals
Online retail giant Boohoo has become the latest in a string of retailers, including Next, Uniqlo, and Zara, to start charging shoppers for returns.
By offering free returns in the first place, companies such as Boohoo helped shift consumers away from stores altogether, and created entirely new behavior around shopping.
Processing returns for stores is time-consuming and costly. Without free returns on the table, shoppers may think twice about buying 10 items when they know they’ll only keep five.
Read about the End of Free Returns
Curated by Supercreative, this is a growing list of websites that are memorable, clear and delightful.
If you are designing a new site and looking for inspiration, this is worth a bookmark.
Take a look at the 1000 Inspiring Websites Showcase
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
