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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
One of our consistently most popular blog posts over the past year was a guide I wrote explaining how to include custom content on product pages using the ACF plugin.
With a combination of ACF, and some simple custom code, you can turn WooCommerce into more of a fully-fledged CMS and have far more customization capabilities at your finger-tips.
One specific issue, which is still a problem in WooCommerce is the inability to include custom content beneath the core product gallery, without having to resort to over-writing templates.
I've included an update to this post demonstrating how to do this if you're using our CommerceKit Product Gallery.
If you haven't seen this article before, it's worth checking out!
Learn how to Display Custom Fields on WooCommerce Product (and Catalog) Pages
The latest version of WooCommerce was released this week, and it was quickly followed by 6.9.1 and 6.9.2.
It includes 90 fixes, additions, updates, enhancements, tweaks, and more, from 39 contributors.
As with all WooCommerce releases, I don't recommend updating immediately on a live store. It's fine to do so on a separate staging site though.
It's generally best to wait a couple of weeks, while any minor issues are sorted out.
Read about the latest WooCommerce 6.9 Update
When researching a support query a few weeks ago I came across this interesting plugin which may be useful for anyone running a WooCommerce store.
It allows you to export a simple report, in a CSV file, with all the products, or only the ones where stock is managed, and its current stock on WooCommerce.
It’s also possible to see the report as a HTML table directly on the plugin’s admin page.
Take a look at the Stock Exporter for WooCommerce Plugin
In Baymard's large-scale testing of direct-to-consumer stores, they observed intermediary category pages impede, rather than enhance, the experience of browsing products.
In testing, 31% of participants struggled to reach the product list and missed out on functionality such as filters that they had not reached yet.
In general, sites require a minimum number of products before the value of intermediary category pages outweighs the cost of the additional navigational click.
Learn about the downsides of Intermediary Category Pages
This is an interesting case study on how eCommerce retailer Farfetch correlated Core Web Vitals and performance metrics with business metrics, saw an increase to drive product decisions and a performance culture.
Whether your site is fast or slow can dictate how consumers see your brand and your service quality as a whole.
For users, quality equates to luxury—and this applies to every aspect of their experience, including how your website performs.
Read about Farfetch's higher conversion rates due to better Core Web Vitals
I really enjoyed this video featuring the founder of clothing brand Gymshark, Ben Francis, looking back at the evolution of 10 years of his website.
Even multi-million dollar businesses have simple beginnings which should give a great deal of inspiration to all us.
Take a look at 10 years of the Gymshark store
Shoptimizer 2.6.2
We pushed a small Shoptimizer update on Monday, version 2.6.2, which fixed a small regression bug introduced in the previous release. See our update guide.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
