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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, back and refreshed for 2024 with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
The first week of a new year is always a struggle. It's difficult to have energy and focus. How about a 2 minute video with 6 easy tips to improve your product pages?
It's so snappy and short, you won't even have time to finish a morning cup of coffee while watching it.

Plus, almost all of these can already be achieved with our own Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme!
Learn 6 Easy Tips to Improve Product Pages in 2024
Baymard has awarded eCommerce sites with the best UX of 2023 and the list makes for interesting reading.
The winners are selected from among the 234 top-grossing US and European stores in their UX database. The award is based on more than 215,000 weighted UX performance scores in the database.
All of the stores awarded are worth exploring - they contain dozens of ideas you could use on your own website.
Some of the notable winners worth checking out include:
Discover Baymard's 2023 eCommerce UX Award Winners
As the global fashion industry grapples with its significant carbon footprint, the question arises of what can brands do to offset the environmental impact of their eCommerce store?
Consumers may scrutinize sustainability at all stages of the consumer journey. From browsing to purchase, and even post-purchase, the emphasis on eco-friendly practices becomes a critical factor in shaping the narrative of a brand.
This article looks at ways eCommerce stores are tackling this problem, from including traceability and transparency information to improving their packaging, and how they deal with returns.
Learn How eCommerce Brands Are Embracing Sustainability
It's an incredibly common use case. If your WooCommerce store offers free shipping, you may wish to hide the other shipping options.
Thankfully, Rodolfo from Business Bloomer has a code snippet to the rescue. The “woocommerce_package_rates” filter allows us to manipulate the shipping rates before they are returned to the frontend. In his example, he disables all shipping methods but “Free Shipping” so that free shipping remains the only possible choice.
How to Hide Shipping Rates if Free Shipping is Available
Understanding Accessibility is a neat micro-site built by designer Alaïs de Saint Louvent. He observed that many issues could be easily resolved by sharing fundamental accessibility principles.
This website has been created to address that, using the latest guidance and feedback from real web designers and developers.
Check out Understanding Accessibility
Store owners, we want to hear from you!
We'd love to hear how your business started. Get your store featured in a future issue and reach thousands of subscribers!
Submit your story
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message.
You can also take a look at our entire back catalog of newsletters.
Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
