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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
The Advanced Product Fields plugin from Studio Wombat enhances product customization by allowing store owners to add checkboxes, dropdowns, color swatches, and more directly on product pages.
Its intuitive interface enables users to set up custom fields easily, with options like conditional logic for displaying fields only when relevant.
We love its flexibility, as it caters to a range of customization needs, making it ideal for businesses that offer personalized products.
It integrates extremely well with our own Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, maintaining a consistent look and feel.
Overall, this is a practical solution for boosting store functionality and customer satisfaction by offering advanced, customer-centric personalization options.
Read our Review of Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce
StoreUI is a new SaaS platform designed to enhance your WooCommerce store management experience. It does not require any separate plugin added to your existing site.
By leveraging the WooCommerce REST API, the platform is designed to handle large amounts of traffic and data, ensuring that your store can scale as your business grows.
It is optimized for performance without impacting frontend speed, focusing on backend processing for a smoother experience, up to six times faster compared to the standard WooCommerce admin area.
The platform also provides seamless product editing, real-time data visualization, and predictive performance.
Take a Closer Look at StoreUI: A WooCommerce Admin Interface
The Niche Pursuits YouTube channel has recorded an interesting perspective on blogging, stating that it is bouncing back after Google’s Helpful Content Update, with many sites seeing traffic increases due to strategic improvements and Google’s adjustments.
- Google’s impact: The Helpful Content Update initially harmed small publishers’ search rankings.
- Recovery strategies: Sites are revamping content and removing unhelpful articles for better performance.
- Traffic spikes: Some sites report traffic increases of up to 922% in recent weeks.
- Recovery is not limited to vocal sites; numerous lesser-known blogs are also experiencing significant traffic increases, demonstrating widespread improvement.
Watch Niche Pursuits Discussing a Blogging Comeback
Black Friday emails are crafted to build urgency, emphasizing why customers shouldn’t miss out on exclusive deals.
They highlight limited-time promo codes and special discounts to encourage immediate action.
The main goal is to prompt customers to make purchases quickly, capitalizing on the "now or never" appeal of Black Friday offers.
This selection of excellent email template examples from ReallyGoodEmails would serve as useful inpiration for your own store during this critical sales period.
See the Best Black Friday Email Examples
LapaNinja is a curated collection of over 860+ eCommerce landing page designs for your inspiration.
This excellent collection is well worth a bookmark for when you are thinking and planning a redesign for your own store.
Take a look at LapaNinja's eCommerce Landing Page Designs
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That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message.
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Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
