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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
Brian Dean is back with a very interesting post describing the concept of "Reverse Outreach".
Traditional link building is very difficult to do at scale. So he's come up with an alternative approach.
Instead of reaching out to bloggers and journalists, you have them come to you.
Specifically, you target keywords that bloggers and journalists search for. And create content that they WANT to link to.
He describes a number of examples of how he did this, and shares the results.
It's a fascinating article and if you're interested in improving your site's SEO, one that is well worth reading.
Learn about Reverse Outreach from Brian Dean
Although the native WordPress block editor continues to slowly improve, Elementor still appears to be several steps ahead.
They have just launched a new Flexbox Builder which has combined layout flexibility with significantly reduced DOM markup output, which was a problem which plagued earlier versions.
You can build complex layout patterns by nesting any number of containers and items so they can easily be aligned, ordered, spaced and scaled in a horizontal or vertical direction.
They have a demo playground site where you can try it out yourself.
Understand more about Elementor's new Flexbox Builder
Speaking of Elementor, WordFence has released details of a Critical Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Elementor due to their new onboarding implementation. The issue has been resolved. So if you haven't updated this plugin lately, you should do so.
Read the briefing from WordFence
Harry Roberts has written an excellent article about the importance of optimizing the Largest Contentful Paint performance metric.
As he says, it’s the easiest to optimize, and it’s the only one of the three that works the exact same in the lab as it does in the field.
In this post, he goes deep and shows you some interesting tricks and optimizations, as well as some pitfalls and bugs, starting with some very simple tips.
Learn more about Optimizing Largest Contentful Paint
Rodolfo from Business Bloomer fame has written a developer-focused tutorial this week for Post Status regarding the get_european_union_countries function within WooCommerce.
He looks at its syntax, its arguments, and some possible uses for this within a store, such as for currency switching, to display conditional notices, content, or fields.
Whenever there is a country dropdown, this function may be what you need.
Read more in this in-depth tutorial to a WooCommerce function you may not have known about
GridPane have announced that they have introduced a free plan - it's called the Core Plan. This is great news if you want to use their software services but you can't quite afford the subscriptions.
GridPane is a hosting service for WordPress sites, except that they do not provide any servers. They provide the dashboard for you to manage extremely low cost spin up servers such as Digital Ocean.
I took it for a spin this week and to run this you will need at a minimum the $10 a month Digital Ocean droplet which has 2GB of RAM.
Learn about the new GridPane Free Core Plan
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
