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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
The customer journey doesn’t end after they click the checkout button. Learn how to maximize your post-purchase flow to boost conversions in this excellent article about post-purchase emails.
A post-purchase email sequence is a terrible thing to waste. Post-purchase emails have a 40.5% open rate. Meanwhile, common marketing emails only reach half this number, with an average open rate of 20.94%.
You have a unique opportunity to convert a new customer into a recurring customer, and once that opportunity passes, you have to work doubly hard to get it again.
These email sequences aren’t particularly difficult to create. Most email marketing services, such as Klaviyo or ConvertKit, can accommodate them.
Discover 6 Post-Purchase Emails that Convert and Retain
eCommerce and marketing can unlock huge revenue potential for premium brands. The key is making sure that you speak to the core values of the premium consumer.
Particularly important is the highly visual aspect, and you should aim to use content with professional-style photography to immerse potential consumers in your products.
Promotional creative is another way of connecting with Gen Z, for example by offering mystery boxes to new customers, something which has become increasingly popular amongst this group in recent years.
Check out the Tips for Performance Marketing in the Fashion eCommerce Space
This excellent post by Simo Ahava looks at end of Universal Analytics, and its replacement, Google Analytics 4.
Looking back at Universal Analytics on the eve of its final collection ping is doubly bitter-sweet, because what is being proposed as a replacement just doesn’t cut it.
GA4 has bugs, cardinality issues, thresholding problems, an opaque approach to privacy, and a huge identity problem.
Read Simo Ahava's post about Google Analytics 4
FutureCommerce has a nice list of 39 of the best eCommerce newsletters to subscribe to. The options within the "eCommerce Growth" category are particularly good.
Nik Sharma's Sunday update is one I particularly look forward to receiving each week.
Discover 39 of the Best eCommerce Newsletters
Highlights is an open-source hand-drawn illustration library created by Outdraw Design to help everyone tell their story. The library contains over 100 vector shapes ready to use by all creatives in their work: websites, apps, videos, illustrations, and many more.
These are licensed to be used on both commercial and personal projects and look like a nice way to inject some organic elements into a page design.
Take a look at the Highlights Illustration Library
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That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
