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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
We're currently hard at work building our own review system here in CommerceGurus so this article from Baymard caught my attention this week.
Users almost universally sought user reviews when considering a product — up to 95% of users across desktop and mobile tests.
Yet just having reviews isn’t enough. Users during testing benefited most when reviews had rich content that offered specific insights into the product — and reviews with user-uploaded images were especially well received.
This is going to be a major part of our platform - expect user generated reviews containing images and video to be game changers when it comes to converting more visitors into buyers.
Read about the difference images in reviews makes
I spoke last week about the big news that speed is going to shortly become a ranking factor in Google's Search results.
SpeedFactor is a very interesting service which you can use to track your website performance over time and keep track of how it's doing and get tips on what to improve — no coding required.
You can use it to:
- See how your site performance evolves over time
- Study the performance impact of ads and third parties
- Debug performance issues
The free plan covers only one site and doesn't provide automated weekly reports but it'd be a very useful way to gain more information about how your site is performing.
The developer, Ciprian Popescu, is based in our hometown of Dublin, Ireland which is great to see also.
Take a look at SpeedFactor
Our friend Rodolfo Melogli from Business Bloomer has released an excellent new WooCommerce video course called TroubleshootWoo.
All of us who run WooCommerce stores have at one stage had to deal with a broken store, and this course explains how to diagnose problems ourselves and solve them without requiring any assistance.
There are 5 lessons available for free, including one which I think is one of the most important - Updating a WooCommerce Website The Right Way - a 13 minute video which goes through the process step-by-step.
Learn more about TroubleshootWoo
This is an interesting product by Rhys Morgan, a growth-strategy consultant who works with dozens of startups.
Over the past few months, I've talked with and advised over 150+ SaaS/B2B business Founders and have now decided as I'm fully-booked, to share a list of 101+ marketing and growth strategies to help you grow your business.
You can see 15 of his tips and suggestions for free on the site. I liked that each tip is graded in terms of effort to implement and if it requires a budget.
He's currently offering a pre-order discount for the full version.
Read about 101+ ways to get new customers
I always enjoy Brian Dean's posts and this latest is no exception. He has launched a free library that contains templates for blog posts, SEO campaigns, content calendars, outreach emails, press releases, Facebook ads, and more.
It contains over 20+ proven templates to help with SEO, content marketing, social media and PR.
Having access to everything in one place and in PDF format is incredibly useful. It's well worth a bookmark.
See the Digital Marketing Templates Library
Background images can be problematic these days when it comes to page speed scores and using a regular image isn't ideal in every situation. Sometimes some graphical flair in a row background is needed.
I really liked these customizable SVG backgrounds which can also slightly animate, but not in a distracting way.
You can edit each shape to better match your site's color scheme and style. This is a very handy resource when you need to add a bit of flair but without the speed penalty.
Take a look at the BGJar background generator
If you use the Elementor page builder, either within our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, or in any other - you might be interested in my updated speed tips guide.
Elementor version 3 included some DOM improvements, reducing the number of divs required to render sections.
But you need to make sure that you've enabled this improved rendering in the settings.
Furthermore, Elementor has a habit of including Roboto and Roboto Slab by default, and there are two steps required to remove these fonts from being loaded.
See our updated speed tips guide
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
