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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
I was watching some of the WooSesh conference talks earlier this week and really enjoyed the presentation by Greta GalubauskaitÄ— on the topic of Micro UX Improvements to Delight Customers.
I'm not sure if the video will be made available by the organizers but I found an article she wrote a few years ago along a similar vein which sums up the topic extremely well.
She summarizes it as: "Micro elements based on user psychology stimulate a user’s good emotions and encourage them to make buying decisions instantly".
The article contains some terrific examples and is something we should all think about more when building sites.
Learn about Micro Moments in eCommerce
Brian Dean wrote a really good article on SEO Copywriting last week which I only just got to digest.
SEO copywriting is one of the main reasons why his site, Backlinko, grew from zero to over 300k visitors per month.
SEO copywriting is writing content that Google can understand. And, at the same time, that content needs to be the type of content that people want to read, link to and share.
It's a terrific piece with some excellent screenshots and easy to understand examples littered throughout.
Read about SEO Copyrighting
Andy Davies is a web performance consultant and gave a talk on the topic of third-party sites recently. He helpfully wrote a blog post which covers the key points.
There are two ways tags impact site-speed – they compete for network bandwidth and processing time on visitors’ devices, and depending on how they’re implemented they can delay HTML parsing.
He includes an example of a UK fashion site, and found that one of their third-party tags was slowing down visitors who used Android phones by around four seconds.
The retailer decided to disable this tag for those visitors and saw a 26% increase in revenue from them.
Learn about third-party tags and how they can impact speed
For most web developers, their involvement with Google Analytics ends with just installing the base code for pageviews.
This is an excellent article from Smashing Magazine on five of the most important features in Google Analytics that you can utilize to improve user experience. And, separate you from the rest of the web developers and designers out there.
These include:
- Identify user interactions on specific parts of your site
- Learn how far users scroll down the page with scroll tracking events
This is well worth reading to level up your knowledge of Google Analytics and to provide extra value to clients or yourself if you're running a store.
Read the guide to Google Analytics
We introduced SVG icons to Shoptimizer this week and I previously mentioned the excellent Heroicons set which our theme demo now uses.
What's nice is that you're not limited to any icon set, you can use any SVG icon in the secondary menu for example.
I found this nice collection of ten different sets from Baptiste Briel, each with easily copy-and-pastable SVG code to use.
Take a look at the SVG icon sets
Latest Shoptimizer updates
If you've been using our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, we pushed a couple of big updates this week in version 2.2.7.
Shoptimizer now uses SVGs for icons and there's a new speed setting where you can remove the old icon font. A new article in our theme documentation explains more.
It also includes a new update to our CommerceKit plugin which includes some nice new Waitlist features.
Check out the new Settings and Emails areas within that.
See all the Shoptimizer theme updates on the changelog page.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
