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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
We're just back from an incredible weekend at WordCamp Europe in Athens. We had fantastic chats with so many folks including Rodolfo (Business Bloomer), Nick, and Maarten (Studio Wombat).
Refreshed and ready, let's dive into this week's issue!
We have recently freshened up our post covering popular product gallery plugins for WooCommerce.
New to the article, we look at "WooCommerce Additional Variation Images" as well as "Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce".
Also, we cover our own Product Gallery module which is part of CommerceKit and why we built it from scracth rather than simply using the default WooCommerce one.
Discover the Best Product Gallery Plugins for WooCommerce
One page which often doesn't get enough attention is the 'No Results' page which is presented when a search ends in no products being found.
Reaching a “No Results” page isn’t necessarily a serious issue, except when the “No Results” page offers few or no paths for users to get back on track — making it a UX dead end.
This post by Baymard looks at 6 Essential Elements for ‘No Results’ Pages which are worth considering.
Our own Shoptimzer theme includes a new option to create a custom 'No Results' page based on the data in this article.
Learn about 6 Essential Elements for 'No Results' Pages
Business Bloomer has another useful post on how to solve a Google Search Console Error, which is particularly common on WooCommerce sites.
If you registered your WooCommerce website on Google Search Console for monitoring your SEO efforts and search appearance errors, you probably got a “No global identifier provided (e.g. gtin, brand)” email notification at some stage.
You could use a WooCommerce GTIN plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
Or, you could use Rodolfo's handy snippet which automatically sets the GTIN to the same value of the product SKU, as long as all your products have a unique SKU value.
Learn How to Fix the "No global identifier error" in the Google Search Conole
Imagine the shock of discovering years of hidden injected content on your business’s WordPress site during a routine upgrade. This nightmare came true for one of Dumitru Brinzan's clients who had been operating their small, yet successful, service industry website. Little did they know that their primary source of revenue was compromised.
This is a very interesting article on how to discover a spam attack has taken place and the exact steps to perform in order to resolve such a problem.
This cautionary tale serves as a reminder for all website owners to remain vigilant. While some hackers may brazenly deface sites, others discreetly inject malware, ads, spam content, or spammy backlinks.
Read the Case Study on Uncovering 4 Years of Injected Spam on a WordPress Site
I remember a long-gone site from years ago called PatternTap. It was a collection of UX patterns - say product galleries, or search boxes. You could review dozens of screenshot examples of just that particular element, and it was a great way to research varieties of individual components before building them.
In the absence of PatternTap, I came across NiceVeryNice which does have some general high-quality eCommerce patterns you can explore and learn from.
Take a look at eCommerce UI Patterns and Examples
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
