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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
The Ultimate Guide To WooCommerce Dropshipping - 2023 Update
We've been busy with a signifigant update to our popular post on WooCommerce Dropshipping.
With much of the content refreshed, we also look at some newer dropshipping plugins such as Importify, Ezusy, and Syncee.
There are a lot of reasons to like the dropshipping model over the traditional model in particular low investment and overhead.
Because you don’t need to purchase inventory up front or find a place to store it, your upfront investment and ongoing overhead costs are pretty much nonexistent (beyond hosting and marketing your site, of course).
Read our Ultimate Guide to WooCommerce Dropshipping, newly updated for 2023
This is a very interesting site which looks at the strategies successful eCommerce brands use to grow their business, including the themes, apps, and marketing techniques.
It's Shopify focused but nevertheless, it's still incredibly valuable to be able to look at the app stack a store utilizes and it's possible to then research an equivalent stack in WooCommerce.
Each review includes headings such as "What They Do Well" and "What Needs to Be Improved".
Anyone running an eCommerce store should gain some useful actionable insights looking through this site.
Take a closer look at Checkout Weekly
Performance optimizations are a real rabbit hole, and there’s almost always something else that can be optimized.
The Pareto principle applies here perfectly: a set of things can be done relatively easily, but they can have a meaningful impact.
Artem Perchyk describes the topics that impact the initial loading of the application the most, and he provides suggested solutions for each one.
This is an excellent article with general performance tips for building websites on any platform, not just WordPress.
Check out the Low-Hanging Web Performance Fruits
High-quality photos are a crucial part of every product page in your online store.
The question store owners find themselves asking is this: How do I speed up image loading while retaining a high-resolution appearance?
I've previously written about WooCommerce Images and this latest post contains some more useful tips to be aware of.
This article on the WooCommerce blog goes through some tools and strategies you can use to keep images looking great while keeping the file sizes down.
See How to Get Fast-Loading High Quality Product Images
This article will be interesting for any of our subscribers that like to dabble in HTML and CSS themselves. In it, Ahmad Shaeed rebuilds a complex layout from the popular site using some powerful CSS grid rules.
It's a testament to just how far CSS has come on in recent years that a layout like this is relatively easy to reproduce.
Learn How to Build Complex CSS Grid Layouts
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
