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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
Baymard has an excellent new article discussing the product image hover effect within the Shop or Category pages.
They bring up some valid points about what stores can use this interaction feature for, in particular to display a different product image, or to show some additional information.
There's an important caveat about including too much detail on hover and what to do on mobile or touch screen devices.
You can see a nice example of image hovers on the Stricters store which uses our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme.
Read the article on Baymard
This is a fascinating study by Sam Underwood on website speed and its relationship to SEO.
He collated the top 2,200 sites in the UK by organic traffic within 22 different industries.
Using direct data from CrUX alongside additional insights from the PageSpeed Insights API, he looked at how they correlate with each site's organic performance.
See the results
I found this interesting comparison between Etsy's 2019 product page and the 2020 version. There are 15 changes highlighted in the summary.
Many are small adjustments but it's a nice example of how a key page can evolve over time and how subtle tweaks can improve the visibility of important elements.
Check out the comparison
Speaking about product pages, we have a comprehensive review of some of the best practices when it comes to product pages from the major players in the industry.
There are 17 great examples to study, many of these like the Etsy example above, are subtle but can make an important difference to your conversion rates.
See our 17 Product Page Best Practices
We had this exact issue this week, so it might be useful for anyone else using Google Analytics on their sites.
The data within analytics was way off. The amount value, tax, shipping and even order volume was completely different to the values within WooCommerce.
This is due to a bizarre bug in Analytics contained within their sampling date slider.
If your selected date range is too large you may be looking at unsampled, i.e. incorrect data.
This post from 2013 explains more, and yes, it's still an issue.
Google Analytics sampling data issues
Latest Shoptimizer updates
If you've been using our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, we pushed a couple of nice updates this week in version 2.1.5.
See everything on the theme's changelog page.
And our update guide explains how to get the latest version.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
