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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
A poorly designed eCommerce checkout page could be costing your business valuable sales.
While there are many reasons why someone might abandon their cart at the checkout page, poor design is definitely one of them.
As design covers much more than just aesthetics, including user experience, trustworthiness and credibility, ease of use, load times, and accessibility, there’s a lot that can go wrong with the design of your checkout page.
If you’re worried that this part of your store is letting down your business, Joe Flyan has written a guide covering the 10 best eCommerce checkout page designs.
You can pick up valuable learnings from some of the top DTC stores in order to implement them on your own website.
Discover The 10 Best eCommerce Checkout Designs
Hover-based dropdown menus offer an important navigation UX benefit of allowing users to read through the main categories, then hover one which might be appropriate, and then based on the revealed subcategories infer if it is in fact the appropriate category.
Baymard's large-scale eCommerce testing finds that hover-based drop-down menus can also cause serious usability issues — which often negate the benefits provided by the menus in the first place.
In particular, during testing, drop-down menus appearing and disappearing unexpectedly caused considerable annoyance and interrupted product finding needlessly.
It was because of this valuable research that we decided to include a hover delay option within our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme.
You can activate the hover delay option within Shoptimizer via:
Customize > Header and Navigation > Navigation > Enable Hover Intent
Read about the importance of a hover delay within dropdown menus
Affiliate marketing is a powerful strategy to extend your reach and generate more revenue. It’s also easy to implement when you have the right tools.
Affiliate marketing is based on the referral method of generating sales. It relies on third parties, your affiliates, to promote your products and services on their platforms.
In return, these affiliates earn a commission for every action (sale, lead, or signup) generated through their efforts.
The AIOSEO blog has collated a useful list of the best WooCommerce affiliate plugins.
It's headed by AffiliateWP, which we use on our own CommerceGurus site, and is recommended by us.
Discover 6 of the Best WooCommerce Affiliate Plugins
(PS, if you'd like to be an affiliate of ours and earn 30% from each Shoptimizer referral with no minimum payout you can sign up here)
At the time of writing, 99.9% of pages on the web include at least one image. The median image-weight per page landed at 881KB in 2022, which is more than HTML, CSS, JS, and fonts combined!
And while images do not block rendering, it’s important to consider how we offer a reasonably pleasant experience while users are waiting for images to load. One solution to that problem is Low-Quality Image Placeholders.
This latest (excellent as always) article from Harry Roberts delves into some technical topics but if you build websites for a living and care about performance - it's a very interesting read.
Uncover The Ultimate Low-Quality Image Placeholder Technique
This extremely funny and creative video on accessibility overlays by Heydon Pickering may be the best thing you'll watch today. A true work of art.
Watch "What Are Accessibility Overlays?"
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That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
