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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
Turning visitors into customers is one of the primary goals of any eCommerce site, but what happens after they’ve successfully placed an order?
A user has just filled out numerous form fields and spent their hard-earned money on your site — what a shame it would be to waste this great opportunity for customer engagement by simply redisplaying the order information on the order confirmation page: “Thank you for your money — off you go”.
This excellent post from Baymard looks at 6 ways confirmation pages can be leveraged to help users after their purchase is complete.
To learn how to enact many of these suggestions on your own WooCommerce store, see this article I previously wrote on this very topic - Create a Better Thank You Page in WooCommerce.
Learn 6 Ways to Get More out of your Confirmation Page
The latest version of WooCommerce was released yesterday and includes a big change to the cart and checkout page for new installations.
Traditionally the cart and checkout pages in WooCommerce were created using shortcodes. And this remains the case for existing stores.
But for new WooCommerce stores going forward, the cart and checkout areas will be using blocks.
In theory this provides more control to the user. In practice, this could cause many problems, particularly around the area of payment gateway compatibility with this new arrangement.
The good news is that you can revert to the traditional shortcode approach, and that is what we recommend for now.
Implementing such a massive change during the Black Friday and Holiday Sales period could cause headaches so it's best to employ a "wait and see" approach.
Read more about the WooCommerce 8.3.0 Release
This is quite an extraordinary video from Boyuan Zhao pleading for Shopify's attention due to fake DMCA take down requests nearly destroying his online business on the platform.
Nobody could look at Zhao's store compared to the fake shops which were included in the DMCA and say that these requests were valid, and yet Shopify pulled Zhao's store from the platform and were unresponsive in repeated requests for dialog.
Since the video went viral, the issue has been fixed but there has undoubtedly been a huge opportunity cost as well as a massive monetary cost to the business.
Quite a few comments in the thread suggested switching from Shopify to WooCommerce, as you are never really fully in control of your own data when hosted on a platform like Shopify.
Watch how Shopify nearly destroyed this $700k pm brand
After months of Beta testing, Kinsta is making Static Site Hosting available to anyone who needs to serve up HTML pages and assets like JavaScript and CSS files at lightning-fast speed.
In addition to the tools used to build and deploy your static sites, such as free SSL certificates, Kinsta’s free hosting is available for those whose projects adhere to the following (quite generous) limits:
- 100 static sites per company
- 1 concurrent build per site
- 100 GB bandwidth per month per company
Although more suited to simpler sites built with purely HTML, CSS, and JS, WordPress users can also deploy static sites to the platform and host it for free by converting an existing site to static.
Kinsta published a tutorial on the process for converting a WordPress site using a free plugin.
Learn more about Kinsta's Free Static Site Hosting
Siteinspire is a showcase of the finest web and interactive design.
I particularly like their eCommerce section - it's a wonderful resource for gathering inspiration.
You can browse 8,300 sites by style, type, or subject, or just see the very best. Websites are chosen and curated by Howells—Studio.
Discover the Siteinspire Website Showcase
Shoptimizer and CommerceGurus Updates
We're currently preparing a massive Shoptimizer update full of new features which we're hoping to release in the next couple of weeks.
Stay tuned also for a brand new plugin from us which will have a massive impact on conversions and in reducing cart abandonment. That is coming very soon!
Store owners, we want to hear from you!
We'd love to hear how your business started. Get your store featured in a future issue and reach thousands of subscribers!
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That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message.
You can also take a look at our entire back catalog of newsletters.
Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
