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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
I'm really excited by this. AVIF is a new image format derived from the keyframes of AV1 video. It's a royalty-free format, and it's already supported in Chrome 85 on desktop.
Jake Archibald's post goes into detail on why anyone who runs a website should be so enthusiastic about this new format.
In tests, AVIF is half the size of webp with no discernable loss of quality. Some of the examples in this post give you an idea just how big of a deal this is.
This Formula One car image is only 18.2kb in AVIF format. Extraordinary really.
We're all trying to make our online stores faster and rapid deployment of AVIF images could be a real game changer.
Read about the AVIF format with image examples
It can be a struggle sometimes to think of fresh ideas for blog posts which aren't a repeat of what you already have.
Brian Dean has an excellent new article this week which gets right to the point.
He introduces 17 ways to get content ideas which have helped his own blog attract over 500,000 visitors every month. Attracting an audience of that size makes converting even a small percentage of them into buyers a lot easier.
As usual his articles are jam-packed with screenshots of what exact steps he undertakes so there's no ambiguity.
Read about 17 ways to find new content ideas
Amazon Discovers That Showing Structured Product Details Is Better
There were a couple of interesting updates to one of my favorite sites in the past couple of weeks, GoodUI.
Their Leaks section highlights UI design decisions from major companies as screenshots.
Amazon have been clearly experimenting with how they present structured data with products. Displaying it in a table rather than in bullet points seems to be the preferred result.
Examples like this are hugely beneficial for small eCommerce sites which can learn from bigger players and adjust their own sites accordingly.
Take a look at GoodUI - Leaks
It's always inspiring to read about businesses which start small and make it big. I enjoyed this story about Nick Peterson, a Kansas native, who built an extremely successful online store, powered by WooCommerce.
It's an example of taking something you're passionate about and realizing there are other people out there which share that same enthusiasm and build a market around that.
Check out Starter Story for similar articles about how businesses started and what they learned along the way.
Read about how Nick turned a blog into a big business
I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner since there are conferences (virtual obviously) on almost every topic these days.
It's a series of talks focused on page builders and how you can streamline your building process.
Judging by the speakers expect talks on Elementor, Beaver Builder, Oxygen, and native Gutenberg.
It's entirely free so if you build websites using one it seems like a no-brainer to sign up and increase your knowledge.
Discover the Page Builder Summit 2020
Why Do We Interface?
I came across this really stylish micro-site this week from Ehsan Noursalehi on the evolution of interface design. It goes back into history on the first "interfaces" such as stone-age markings to modern day UX such as Zoom.
We should remind ourselves that the source of these interfaces is, was, and always will be, presenting information.
It's a really interesting topic and the site is well worth some time reading through.
See Why Do We Interface?
Latest Shoptimizer updates
We have a big update coming early next week which will include a huge update to CommerceKit.
We rebuilt eCommerce conversion features from scratch using vanilla JS and extremely minimal code.
A brand new feature will be Order Bumps on the checkout page.
Look out for this on Shoptimizer's changelog page next week!
Finally I made a minor refresh to our CommerceGurus About page, including Robert and Umesh as part of our team.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
