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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
This is a super article from Jilt on using keywords correctly within your WooCommerce store.
In this era of much more intelligent search engine algorithms, simply stuffing your site with keywords isn’t going to work. Instead, the rule is: optimize each product and category page for a different single head keyword, and include long tail and LSI keywords in the page content.
The article includes some real world examples and screenshots on how to exactly do that.
Read how to use eCommerce keywords
I saw an important suggestion this week from the WordPress core development team in making lazy loading the de facto standard for all images. Previously you needed to use plugins for this but there is a new standard loading attribute now available to render these obsolute.
Lazy loading is covered in detail within our guide on making WooCommerce stores faster.
Essentially, it means that any images outside of the viewport aren't loaded, unless the user scrolls and they come into view. This can save a huge number of requests and many megabytes as the browser doesn't have to wait until everything has been first rendered.
See the proposal on the WordPress developer blog
I thought these were quite nifty. They're hand drawn doodles which are fully vectorized so you can change the colors and sizes to anything you like. Overlaying them onto photos or using them as faded backgrounds behind text could add a bit of extra design flair to an existing site.
Get the scribbbles
This is a great interview on IndieHackers with founder Ben Keene, who started 'Rebel Book Club' and is now making $17k a month in revenue.
It's a subscription idea; for £15 a month you receive 1 non-fiction book, access to a secret meetup, and a cocktail inspired by the choice of book.
He goes through how he built his initial product, and describes the tech stack he uses. It's a simple idea and seems like he's caught the imagination of many readers.
Read the interview and check out Rebel Book Club
In the past, Frank Chimero has redesigned his site behind the scenes. This time he is trying something different. Documenting and designing in the open. This is a great insight into one of the smartest web designers working today.
I particularly loved his process on how he picked typefaces.
Read his redesign process
Latest Shoptimizer updates
If you've been using our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, we pushed a big update this week in version 1.9.9. The biggest change was a new mobile menu and an additional Mobile Extras widget area so you can add content below the mobile menu. See everything on the theme's changelog page.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
