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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
Finding professional stock photos for your eCommerce website isn’t easy. You need images that reflect your brand and are suitable for your niche. It’s key to stay as far away as possible from cliched people shaking hands or celebrating in an office which looks like it was last decorated in 1995.
These days there are some excellent resources out there with high quality free stock photos suitable for almost any business. We’ve put together the best we’ve discovered (and use) in the roundup below.
Check out the free stock photo sites I found
Over on Create and Code, we looked at the best email marketing services to pair with your website. We’ve collected five great options, including tools that are both platform-independent (use them with anything) and a few that are WordPress-specific.
FYI - We use number 2 in the list for this very email.
See our list of recommendations
The team at GTMetrix published a great post on how to analyze a Waterfall chart - essential to grasp if you want to better understand about what are causing speed bottlenecks on your site.
For anyone running a WordPress or WooCommerce site this is well worth 5 minutes of your time.
See the GTMetrix Waterfall explainer blog post
For more on speeding up your eCommerce site we have a comprehensive article within our guides on how to do so.
Rigor have published a timely article considering there are some huge days coming up for eCommerce stores with Black Friday and Thanksgiving on the horizon. If you're running any kind of promotions or Facebook campaigns and are expecting a spike in traffic, the last thing you'd need would be your site going down.
Read about how to prepare for high-load days
I was interested to see that there is now a free version of the Visual Composer page builder plugin available on It is still extremely popular, but has been passed out by Elementor in recent years.
One issue VC always had was leaving the remains of shortcodes behind if you no longer use it. This seems to have been solved in the most recent release. I'll be taking a closer look at it in the coming weeks to see how this free plugin stacks up against Elementor.
See Visual Composer on
Latest Shoptimizer updates
If you've been using our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, we're preparing the 1.8.3 update which should be available later today.
These are the listed updates so far, visit the changelog page to see the full list when it's released.
- Fix - Floating button was not appearing on single products.
- Fix - Tagline variable defined.
- Fix - Removes extra archive description block from paginated pages if below header layout selected.
- Tweak - Cart widget styling when in a regular sidebar.
- Tweak - Products within mobile dropdown grid adjustment.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
