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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
While compressing and optimizing your images can help improve your website’s performance, it’s equally important to deliver images quickly to your site visitors, whatever their geographical location. Image CDNs are a great way to do this.
In our latest article on the CommerceGurus Blog, we’ll dive deeper into what image CDNs are and how they work.
Then, we’ll compare some of the best image CDN options available right now so you have an easier time deciding on the right solution for you.
We look at: Cloudflare, ShortPixel, Bunny CDN, and Jetpack.
See the best Image CDNs for WordPress
The filtering of variable products in WooCommerce has been broken for some time.
The problem appears when there are variable products where some variations have stock and others don’t, and the “hide out of stock products from the catalog” option is set.
What happens is that when an attribute is selected for filtering, all variable products having a variation that corresponds to that attribute will be displayed, even those not having stock for that variation.
This long-standing problem thankfully looks like it is finally going to be resolved in WooCommerce 6.3.
Learn more about this upcoming feature over on the WooCommerce Developer Blog
Like most Google ranking signals, titles play only a small part in the overall algorithm.
But because they are typically the first things users see in Google results, titles can have a large impact on click-through rates and the number of visits your site ultimately receives.
Over the years, it wasn’t uncommon to see Google make small changes to the title.
More recently, Google became much more aggressive with title rewriting, incorporating additional HTML tags and generally rewriting far more titles than previously.
Many site owners find that the titles they carefully craft almost all get rewritten!
Read more about Google rewriting Title Tags
WebPageTest is one of our favorite tools for measuring the speed of an online store.
They've just launched an updated UI to make it even easier for people just getting started on their performance journey.
The filmstrip is now displayed on the summary and detail pages, to give you immediate visual feedback.
The test results pages have gotten a number of useful updates including more attention given to the major performance metrics for any given test result.
See the new WebPageTest UI
Privy have released a free 2022 eCommerce Holiday Calendar which looks incredibly useful for stores planning their marketing activities for the rest of the year.
You can choose a holiday every month to build an offer around so you’ll never run out of reasons to reach out to your customers.
Which means more ideas for generating sales for your store.
Check out the 2022 eCommerce Holiday Calendar
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
