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Hi there, hope you're having a great Friday!
This is Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus, makers of Shoptimizer, with a handpicked weekly roundup of eCommerce articles.
We've enjoyed our Christmas and New Year break and now we're back with lots of exciting ideas for 2020.
Back when I worked in agency-land, the biggest time-sink in my day was getting client feedback for changes needed on their sites.
That they needed changes wasn't the issue. It was the way in which it was communicated. Frequently, there would be back and forth over a number of emails as what they wanted wasn't always clear.
Some of the savvy ones may have included a screenshot but typically, a small job which should take 10 minutes frequently took an hour or more. Added up over the course of a year this was a tremendous waste of time.
When attending WordCamp Dublin last year, I happened to bump into the cheerful Vito Peleg, whose name rang a bell for me. I had remembered reading his colorful story about how he was in a rock band and began building websites in the back of the tour bus.
It turns out that the product he ended up building, WP Feedback, was designed to solve the client communication issues I once had.
It's a plugin which allows you to pin - what I'll call - 'bubbles' anywhere on the front or backend of a WordPress site where you can assign a task and keep track of each issue individually.
No more confusion about which image to change. Just pin the bubble over the exact element you want changed and assign the task. It's all kept within the bubble, so you can click to expand the job and mark it done when it is complete.
For a designer or developer, this is a godsend. It's far simpler to solve each issue, and for the customer, it's a user friendly way to explain exactly what they need done.
So to start 2020 in the right fashion, my first recommendation of the year is to take a close look at WP Feedback. If you're struggling with client communication and wasted too much time with client request emails in 2019, this could be the answer.
Latest Shoptimizer updates
If you've been using our Shoptimizer WooCommerce theme, we pushed an update last week - version 1.9.6. See everything on the theme's changelog page.
We have some exciting plans for Shoptimizer in 2020, including:
- Beautiful typography presets
- Multiple color palette presets
- Additional page headers
- A whole bunch of homepage designs
- Gutenberg integration, to rebuild key pages in the block editor and allow folks to use either this or Elementor.
That's it for this edition. Simply reply to this email if you have any questions or suggestions, we read every message. Have a great week and best of luck with your projects!
Colm and Simon from CommerceGurus
